
I'm Daniel, a computer geek. Online I usually go by the nicknames of Dunje (often stylized as Dunj3), or Kingdread in the past.

I'm interested in most things computer and technology related. I've been a Linux user for quite some years, and I administrate some Linux servers for various purposes. I also like to program, mostly working on (personal) open-source projects. I work as a researcher in the field of (IT) privacy and security.

Aside from computers, I enjoy bicycling, photography, video games and some chess.

Software Projects

My main programming languages are Rust and Python, although I have also worked with C, C++, Java, Scala and JavaScript before. I am also looking for excuses to brush up on my Haskell skills, though I have not yet been very successful.

My open-source projects are on my GitHub, GitLab or Codeberg accounts. I also mirror (most of) them to git.kingdread.de.

My (biased, non-objective) highlights are:


I am a researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, working at the Chair of Privacy and Security. My focus are Anonymous Communication Networks such as Tor or Mixnets. There I aim to analyze existing systems, try to find attacks or weaknesses, or develop improvements for those systems.

In addition to standard anonymous communication, I also explore more exotic forms, such as anonymous communication for groups or in ad-hoc networks.



fietsboek.org: Website of fietsboek, including more documentation and screenshots.


You can contact me via the following channels: